Page 9 - November 2019 Newsletter :: Bullimores
P. 9

01306 880880

          Help with the inevitable                               VAT registered business

                                                                 automatically allocated

          You may be aware that Bullimores are now able to deal
          with non-contentious probate and executorships and the   an EORI number
          number of estates that we are dealing with is growing
          considerably.  We do not charge a percentage of the estate
          as others may be entitled to and we bill only for the time   HMRC has been stepping up efforts to ensure that small
          that we expend on drawing together all the information   businesses are ready to trade post-Brexit by automatically
          necessary to put in an inheritance tax return.  The work   enrolling companies.  More than 88,000 VAT registered
          varies but can include agreeing the return with HMRC,   companies across the UK will be allocated an Economic
          collecting all the necessary information from banks,   Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number in
          investments, managers, insurance companies, pension    order to keep trading with customers and suppliers in the
          funds, pension etc etc and defraying any debts, paying for   EU after the UK has left.
          the funeral and wake and eventually distributing the estate
          to the beneficiaries.                                  EORI numbers are a unique ID number allocated to
                                                                 businesses that enables them to be identified by Customs
                                                                 authorities when doing business with other traders.  If
            We can also help with end of life tax planning giving   businesses do not have an  EORI number post-Brexit,
            families financial peace of mind.  In the event of   they may be unable to continue to trade with EU Member
            a death if you need help please don’t hesitate to    States.
            contact us even if the individual concerned was not   If a business is not VAT registered, it will still need to
            a client of ours.
                                                                 register for an EORI number if it wants to trade with
                                                                 customers and suppliers in EU Member States.
                                                                 After getting an EORI number, businesses will need
                                                                 to decide whether to complete customs declarations
                                                                 themselves, or employ a customs agent to do this.

                                  Thoughts from the Grumpy Bull!

              Never trust a civil servant or politician without business experience to run a whelk stall let alone a
              country.  The inexperienced European bankers have cut interest rates again, which will further reduce
              the earnings of the banks with a result that some will go bust or have to be bailed out or forcibly
              merged one with another resulting in an even bigger mess.

              It is insane to effectively force financial institutions   On the other side of the equation, the ECB is forcing
              to lend money to the Government in the knowledge    banks to buy this rubbish stock at €100 for €100 in
              that they will not get back the loan they made in the   order to meet their liquidity requirements forced
              first place.  At the moment the ECB is charging people   upon them by the financial services regulator.
              minus 0.5% for every year they leave their money with
              the ECB.  So after 10 years €100 invested is repaid at
              €95 for each £100.

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